Need For Speed Rivals
I was a track designer and artist on Need For Speed Rivals which was GHOST Games take on the franchise. During production I was responsible for taking several roads from whitebox through to final art. My responsibilities were:
The world for Rivals was built using DICE'S Frostbite Editor.
- Design and construction of the main road splines, alternate routes, offroad areas and jumps
- Creation of white box assets and briefs for outsource production
- Scenic dressing and terrain sculpting/painting
- Setting up collision and art optimization
The world for Rivals was built using DICE'S Frostbite Editor.
Kingfisher Bridge
I built the whitebox gameplay for the huge modern bridge that sits at the center of the Rivals world. Players can drive up the supporting structures and there are multiple alternate routes underneath the bridge. In the finalised art version the largest supporting frame was changed but the rest of the structure remained how I originally designed it.
Dead Tree Canyon
On the following roads I was responsible for track and gameplay design, near terrain sculpting, scene management and visual polish. The majority of the assets were briefed by me and created by outsource artists.